Becca Fiske; a creative, a magic lover, a passionate human, a mother, a wife, a friend.
I envisioned The Lotus Room to be a 'different' type of salon. A space for community, support, and healing. Since 2013, the salon itself has morphed many times. There were periods where we wound up just as any other salon - overbooked, boundary-less, endlessly seeking approval from others. In 2019, I joined a coaching program, knowing I needed support. The salon has since continued to evolve back to the origins of my visions. The Lotus Room is a vessel for personal metamorphosis, as the lotus flower grows in the murkiest of waters; the original space was a 700 square foot room - and rooms are places where ideas come to life.
The Hummingbird Sessions
Join me for one of two ways to receive Holy Fire Reiki healing!
Hummingbird Session I :
A two hour session in the salon that begins with a head & neck welcome massage, proceeded by a thorough consultation, a haircut, and reiki at the shampoo bowl after your custommized cleansing ritual. Your cleansing ritual includes an essential oil scalp massage, as well a scalp treatment if desired. This two hour session includes light styling to the hair and detail work on the hair dry, which may be before the shampoo ritual and reiki portion - depending on your hair goals. It is finished with a personalized tarot or oracle card pull, as well as an energy-centered take home kit put together just for you. I am offering this two hour session at an introductory price of $300 for a limited time!
Hummingbird Session II :
This session is purely for reiki. This session takes place in my private office space, across the street from the salon in The 555 Suites. Here we consult about where you feel reiki could best serve you, both physically and in a metaphysical sense. The reiki session portion itself is much longer than the Hummingbird Session I, and is more of a spa-type session. We can incorporate a customized choice of lighting, music, and aromatherapy suited for your energetic needs. We also finish with a personalized tarot or oracle card pull, as well as an energy-centered take home kit put together just for you. The introductory price of this session is $150 for a 60 min session.
I am elated to bring this practice in to my craft and career. Thank you for allowing me to share this portion of myself with you!
To learn more about Holy Fire Reiki, please visit or tap this link
*as always, my sessions are gratuity free, and all inclusive.
*each session will have been set aside specifically for the client, and require a unique level of preparation, therefore they cannot be swapped for other time-based sessions or humans.